I am trying to write a test event to my ES. Here is my code.
var EventStoreClient = require(‘event-store-client’);
var options = {
host: ‘’,
port: 1113,
debug: true,
onConnect: () => console.log(‘connected’),
onError: err => console.log(‘error’, err),
onClose: errored => console.log(‘errored’, errored)
var connection = new EventStoreClient.Connection(options);
connection.sendPing(pkg => {
console.log(‘Received ’ + command + ’ response!’);
Here is the result I get when I run the code
Outbound: 120000000300bea64df202f946068dfdacddfba41fc9 (22 bytes) Ping
errored false
So I never hit the inside of the ping callback. What are some things I could look at? What else can I do to get more error info?