Using EventStore with Hadoop/Storm


Is there any merit to using EventStore with Apache Hadoop/storm?

Has anyone done this? How did you get events in to Hadoop/Storm?

Any help appreciated.

Kind regards


Just setup a subscription and push them in


Cool thought as much, does $all include the stats stream?



Yes it does.


is there a way to say give me all the streams except system ones in a subscription?

You could write your own projection to handle this though there aren't
tons of system ones so I would just listen to $all and filter those
that start with a $

I guess we could consider adding this as an option on the subscription and filter server-side - it seems a fairly common requirement.

We can do but what is the root issue on this? bandwidth?

There’s an element of that to it (not huge) but it’s the kind of code I’ve seen written in 20 different subtly incorrect ways that we could easily solve.


That’s true, thinking about this a bit more, though, if I’m using EventStore and projections/competing consumers, do I need Hadoop/Storm?

Also what is the state of the Java client(s)?

Kind regards


On Behalf Of James Nugent

The event-store jvm client is supported and fairly complete.