Unhandled exception while processing http request

I am testing posting to ES through HTTP using Elixir.

Here is my IEX shell session. On ES I am getting this: Unhandled exception while processing http request at [, http://localhost:2113/].


iex(1)> event = [%{“eventId” => “fbf4a1a1-b4a3-4dfe-a01f-ec52c34e16e4”, “eventType” => “event-type”, “data” => %{“a” => “1”}}]

[%{“data” => %{“a” => “1”}, “eventId” => “fbf4a1a1-b4a3-4dfe-a01f-ec52c34e16e4”,

“eventType” => “event-type”}]

iex(2)> {:ok, json_event} = JSX.encode event



iex(3)> {:ok, post} = HTTPoison.request(:post, “”, json_event, [{“Content-Type”, “vnd.eventstore.events+json”}])


%HTTPoison.Response{body: “”,

headers: %{“Access-Control-Allow-Headers” => “Content-Type, X-Requested-With, X-PINGOTHER, Authorization, ES-LongPoll, ES-ExpectedVersion, ES-EventId, ES-EventType, ES-RequiresMaster, ES-HardDelete, ES-ResolveLinkTo, ES-ExpectedVersion”,

"Access-Control-Allow-Methods" => "", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => "*",

"Access-Control-Expose-Headers" => "Location, ES-Position",

"Connection" => "close", "Content-Length" => "0", "Content-Type" => "",

"Date" => "Thu, 02 Apr 2015 15:33:39 GMT", "Server" => "Mono-HTTPAPI/1.0"},

status_code: 500}}


Any ideas am I missing something?

Pretty sure I already replied to this but its showing up as unreplied to… Maybe there were two identical posts?

Its your content type. application/vnd. is what it should be.

