Unable to start projections (in-built) through Docker

Hey all,
I’m running event store via docker (on Windows 10 with Hyper-V) with “docker run --name myStore -p 2113:2113 -p 1113:1113 -d -e EVENTSTORE_RUN_PROJECTIONS=ALL eventstore/eventstore”

Once I log in on the Web UI and go to projections all the porjections are Stopped. Clicking Enable All brings up an error “Enabling all projections have failed, reason : $streams: null $by_category: null $stream_by_category: null $by_event_type: null”

I had tried to create a projection against my own streams (via the Web UI) and it appeared as though the actual code was not ever saved. I couldn’t start, stop or delete those projections either which is why I went back to a vanilla Docker image.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this might happen and what I need to do to enable projections.


Do you have logs that you are able to share with us?

No I didn’t hook up any mounts to the docker image. You should be able to repro by using the same docker command that I did though.
I’ll see if I can spin up another instance with a log mount (assuming it’s available in the image).


I’m having trouble getting the logs to appear.
I’m using this as my docker startup command

docker run --name myStore -p 2113:2113 -p 1113:1113 -d -e EVENTSTORE_RUN_PROJECTIONS=ALL -e LOGSDIR=/var/lib/eventstore/log -v x:\DockerFiles\EventStore:/var/lib/eventstore eventstore/eventstore

I might switch over to running locally rather than in docker which is a shame :frowning:

Works fine when run locally. Looks like it might be a docker image problem?