I’m attempting to get EventStore working initiall on a single node VM in Azure.
I’ve downloaded EventStore-OSS-Win-v4.0.1, extracted it to C:\EventStore.
The VM is a smalldisk server 2016 (it’s for dev PoC).
My database.yaml configuration shows…
Db: C:\EventStore\data
IntIp: <<<< IP form IPConfig.
ExtIp: <<<< This is the VM public IP.
RunProjections: ALL
I added…
netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:2113/ user=Everyone, but then removed this because I get a 503 errror.
I have disabled Windows Firewall (bad - I know!)
I have allowed 1113 and 2113 inbound on the NSG for the WIndows (RM) VM in Azure.
When I run…
C:\EventStore>EventStore.ClusterNode.exe --mem-db --log .\logs\log1 --config C:\EventStore\Configuration\database.yaml
I get the following error…
[02144,11,09:26:25.333] ReadIndex rebuilding done: total processed 0 records, time elapsed: 00:00:00.
[02144,10,09:26:25.423] SLOW BUS MSG [MainBus]: SystemInit - 139ms. Handler: StorageChaser.
[02144,10,09:26:25.469] Starting Normal TCP listening on TCP endpoint:
[02144,10,09:26:25.469] Failed to listen on TCP endpoint:
[02144,10,09:26:25.519] Exiting with exit code: 1.
Exit reason: The requested address is not valid in its context
Any help, much appreciated.