Having both the app server (trusted intermediary) and EventStore hosted on the same machine and I’m facing no difficulties.
I receive requests from the client which the the app server verifies and it forwards the request (with an added ‘ES-TrustedAuth’ header w/value i.e. “root; admin, other”) to the EventStore HTTP API which handles it.
I am now attempting to have app server and EventStore be located on two separate machines within the same local/private network.
From the app server i forward the incoming client request to http://10.0.0.x:2113/streams/somestream" with the ‘ES-TrustedAuth’ as usual.
Ports 2113 (and 1113 for good measure) is open on the EventStore node firewall.
Can’t seem to get a response though. I can ping 10.0.0.x just fine. I’m suspecting I need to throw in ‘username:password@’ to the url or some other form of credential setup? I have made sure EventSource is running with an HTTP listener approved user (and Event Source is starting w/–enable-trusted-auth).