Time difference is too great on cluster


We are trying to run Eventstore as a cluster through Docker. Everything is fine (thanks for this amazing job !) but we get this kind of message after a few minutes :

[00001,14,09:54:23.463] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2017-06-14 09:54:23.463, peer’s time stamp: 2017-06-14 09:52:38.198.
[00001,14,09:54:26.433] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2017-06-14 09:54:26.433, peer’s time stamp: 2017-06-14 09:52:38.198.
[00001,14,09:54:29.437] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2017-06-14 09:54:29.437, peer’s time stamp: 2017-06-14 09:52:38.198.
[00001,14,09:54:30.437] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2017-06-14 09:54:30.437, peer’s time stamp: 2017-06-14 09:52:38.198.
[00001,14,09:54:36.442] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2017-06-14 09:54:36.442, peer’s time stamp: 2017-06-14 09:52:38.198.
[00001,14,09:54:38.445] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2017-06-14 09:54:38.445, peer’s time stamp: 2017-06-14 09:52:38.198.

In fact the peer’s time stamp looks “blocked” at the start time (it never changes). Not sure how eventstore get this timestamp and how we could mange to prevent having this log and how it could be a problem if we cannot fix it ?

We use eventstore 4.0

What are the times on the nodes and are you using ntp etc to synchronize them?


time seems ok on each node:

eventstore@5068631d22d5:/app$ date
Wed Jun 14 12:07:37 UTC 2017

eventstore@e76bcdb2fe51:/app$ date
Wed Jun 14 12:08:50 UTC 2017

And no currently we did not use ntp. Should we ?

I can't know how long it took you between running those commands LOL :slight_smile:

There is a limit of 60 seconds by default in allowed time differences,
this is what the message is complaining about.

Yep I was thinking after a while that the both datetime could be useful :wink:

here is a simultaneous call

docker exec -it 5068631d22d52c279b1f9f34d0d47e2ead1a8953f3dffd2b87345b4e3bc8d81d date; docker exec -it e76bcdb2fe51f3080a9e5187b0d82116b28003fd348d742c47639f501540d27f date
Wed Jun 14 12:29:01 UTC 2017
Wed Jun 14 12:29:01 UTC 2017

Ok for 60s, good to know. But why the peer’s timestamp still the same even after more that 30min. Here is a screenshot will full log


And finally after a few hours, the message seems gone. But when I run a new node, the problem gets back.


So this is in gossip. The system time is taken from the machine when
sending a gossip message. If they are too far apart (by default 60
seconds) then it will ignore the gossip from that node for updating
cluster status and print this message.

There are two common reasons for this. The most obvious is the actual
clocks drifting (things like ntp help here), the second is it actually
took the message say 60 seconds to get delivered for varying reasons.


Ok make sense.

But look here

The peer’s timestamp indicate “2017-06-14 12:33:01.559” whereas the machine clock is fine. I still don’t get why we still receive “2017-06-14 12:33:01.559”.

But if the problem is just at startup why not for now. Does this error prevent us to lose data ? I guess the slaves are not use until time becomes synchronized ?

Thanks for your time

No there is no data loss possible here, this is only the gossip
protocol of membership.

Hello, I have exactly the same issue with a database cluster on docker. I have created a network with
docker network create -d overlay --attachable esnet


and then started a cluster with
docker service create --detach=false --replicas 3 --name es1-node --network name=esnet,alias=escluster.net -e EVENTSTORE_CLUSTER_SIZE=3 -e EVENTSTORE_CLUSTER_DNS=escluster.net eventstore/eventstore:release-4.0.3


and after one minute I have some warning in the logs.

[00001,13,08:32:23.355] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2017-10-04 08:32:23.355, peer’s time stamp: 2017-10-04 08:22:14.707.


The strange things is that here, this node is trying to compare it’s time with the manager node at IP but there is no container started with this ip.

We can see in the logs that there is no manager

[00001,13,08:22:16.153] CLUSTER HAS CHANGED (gossip received from [])

[00001,13,08:22:16.153] Old:

[00001,13,08:22:16.153] VND {eb19f5a3-c485-4978-947d-e8b2e87f9fb9} [Master,, n/a,, n/a,,] 14464/28294/28294/E0@0:{3c19d316-ff57-46b4-9020-b3b673bb7f8d} | 2017-10-04 08:22:16.002

[00001,13,08:22:16.153] VND {32d6344b-7ed1-46fc-991a-c02e34747348} [Slave,, n/a,, n/a,,] -1/28294/167/E-1@-1:{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} | 2017-10-04 08:22:16.033

[00001,13,08:22:16.153] VND {53829a5a-de74-480c-b1c0-9cc55f8ffd95} [Slave,,,,,,] 167/28294/305/E0@0:{3c19d316-ff57-46b4-9020-b3b673bb7f8d} | 2017-10-04 08:22:16.114

[00001,13,08:22:16.153] MAN {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} [Manager,,] | 2017-10-04 08:22:14.707

[00001,13,08:22:16.153] New:

[00001,13,08:22:16.154] VND {eb19f5a3-c485-4978-947d-e8b2e87f9fb9} [Master,, n/a,, n/a,,] 14464/28294/28294/E0@0:{3c19d316-ff57-46b4-9020-b3b673bb7f8d} | 2017-10-04 08:22:16.126

[00001,13,08:22:16.154] VND {32d6344b-7ed1-46fc-991a-c02e34747348} [Slave,, n/a,, n/a,,] -1/28294/167/E0@0:{3c19d316-ff57-46b4-9020-b3b673bb7f8d} | 2017-10-04 08:22:16.061

[00001,13,08:22:16.154] VND {53829a5a-de74-480c-b1c0-9cc55f8ffd95} [Slave,,,,,,] 14464/28294/28294/E0@0:{3c19d316-ff57-46b4-9020-b3b673bb7f8d} | 2017-10-04 08:22:16.153

[00001,13,08:22:16.154] MAN {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} [Manager,,] | 2017-10-04 08:22:14.707


Do this means that we just have to ignore this “false positive” warning ? Can we turn this warning off when in database only cluster ?


Hi Thierry,

What does the DNS record you are using for gossip discovery look like? Is there perhaps an extra entry for “”?

The default state of a node is shown as “Manager” if a node has been unable to gossip with it at all, so you might be getting this message because the cluster expects a node to be there even if it’s not.


Ok, I found the point, when using the replicas feature of docker, the load balancing is done by default on this IP and there is only one entry in the dns. The service needs to be created in dns round robbin mode to support service scaling.

docker service create --detach=false --replicas 3 --name es1-node --network name=esnet,alias=escluster.net -e EVENTSTORE_CLUSTER_SIZE=3 -e EVENTSTORE_CLUSTER_DNS=escluster.net --endpoint-mode=dnsrr eventstore/eventstore:release-4.0.3


Thanks !