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Apologies, about this simple question. I have EventStore running locally and can login and click on:

Stream Browser

but unfortunately I see:

No recently created streams

Despite seemingly successfully publishings a test event every 0.5 seconds from a C# client like so:

var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(someTestEvent, new JsonSerializerSettings { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.None });

var jsonPayload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString);

var guid = new Guid(“d5535cc7-7ac8-422f-b5f0-9a73df42d971”);

var eventStoreDataType = new EventData(guid, evt.GetType().Name, true, jsonPayload, null);

connection.AppendToStreamAsync(guid.ToString(), ExpectedVersion.Any, eventStoreDataType);

Can I browse the stream:


in the browser (tried to insert guid into search text box)? Any feedback or pointers to the relevant doc would be very much appreciated (googled extensively). Thanks.

I believe you need to have projections running for this to work.

Thanks for the reply. Why do I need to project anything in EventStore? At the moment, even this consumer code:

var guid = new Guid(“d5535cc7-7ac8-422f-b5f0-9a73df42d971”);

var results = Task.Run(() => connection.ReadStreamEventsForwardAsync(guid.ToString(), StreamPosition.Start, 2, false));


does not produce anything. By the way, I am using this:

var settings = ConnectionSettings.Create();

var connection = EventStoreConnection.Create(settings, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 1113));

also tried:

var settings = ConnectionSettings.Create();

var connection = EventStoreConnection.Create(settings, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 2113));

as the browser uses the port: 2113

I am pretty sure that the list of recently created streams is in fact a projection.

Thanks but this ‘consumer code’:

var guid = new Guid(“d5535cc7-7ac8-422f-b5f0-9a73df42d971”);

var results = Task.Run(() => connection.ReadStreamEventsForwardAsync(guid.ToString(), StreamPosition.Start, 2, false));


should at least return something shouldn’t it?

I don’t see where you are awaiting the result of appendToStreamAsync. I don’t think tasks are guaranteed to run without that or Task.Run

Also tried:

Task.Run(() => connection.AppendToStreamAsync(guid.ToString(), ExpectedVersion.Any, eventStoreDataType));

no success …

You do.

This makes even less sense than the first bit of code.

Try running with --run-projections=system or --run-projections=all


Thanks Greg. Sorry what does not makes sense? I am trying to use this as a starting point:

Also, where do I run:

–run-projections=system or --run-projections=all

Those are command line arguments (or config file entries though cased

Task.Run(() => SomeAsyncOperation())

This says "make a new task and run my async operation which I won't block on"

What you are probably looking for is:


ExpectedVersion.Any, eventStoreDataType).Wait()


await connection.AppendToStreamAsync(guid.ToString(),

Thanks makes all sense. Had already tried this. Turns out, I forgot: connection.ConnectAsync(); sorry for wasting your time.

If you have a .wait() you should get an exception for that. If never
awaiting I would guess it depends on the context of the async