Can’t seem to find any documents on setting the options for the EventStore.TestClient.exe. I tried creating an EventStore.TestClient.exe.config file but it does not seem to be working.
How can I change the default options of that application so that I can change the IP and ports for instances ?
greg@demon:~/src/EventStore$ mono
bin/testclient/EventStore.TestClient.exe --help
Usage: EventStore.TestClient options
--help (-Help) Show help.
--version (-Version) Show version.
--log (-Log) Path where to keep log files.
--config (-Config) Configuration files.
--defines (-Defines) Run-time conditionals.
--ip (-Ip) The IP address to bind to.
--tcp-port (-TcpPort) The port to run the TCP server on.
--http-port The port to run the HTTP server on.
--force (-Force) Force the Event Store to run in possibly
harmful environments such as with Boehm GC.
--timeout (-Timeout)
--command (-Command)
Application Options
--what-if (-WhatIf) Print effective configuration to console
and then exit.
Thanks, I’ll remember to use --help
It is very weird, at least to me, for a windows application to use --help for the help menu. I tried /? and the block of text i got from that was not the most explanatory.
I ended up figuring out --ip and --tcp-port which were enough for me to start running some tests.