Quick heads up that we have released Subscription Service 1.0.4
This is a library to help with persistent and catchup subscriptions.
New in Version 1.0.4:
Catchup Subscriptions support:
Drain facility (lets you drain events already read after Stop has been called)
Checkpoint broadcasting (client gets notified when lastCheckpoint has changed)
Ability to inject your own deadletter queue processing in
Specify start point for catchup subscription
Persistent Subscriptions:
Inflight events can not be set
Other changes
All event handlers can be override (EventAppeared, SubscriptionDropped and LiveStarted)
This has been tested against EventStore 4,5 and 6
We would be really keen to hear some community feedback on this if you can spare some time.
If you currently manage Catchups with your own code, could this library take some of lifting away?
Get involved with the repository here: