We are experiencing a strange behaviour in our cluster (3 nodes).
Basically, we keep having these messages:
[PID:28278:036 2019.09.02 15:29:42.245 DEBUG PersistentSubscripti] Retrying message $et-order-created::oms-stats-enrichment $persistentsubscription-$et-order-created::oms-stats-enrichment-parked/
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:30:14.897 INFO PersistentSubscripti] Unable to park message $persistentsubscription-$et-order-created::oms-stats-enrichment-parked/50817 operation failed CommitTimeout retrying.
I stripped the log for those two lines because I got a lot of those two lines showing.
I also got these showing up, less frequently, compared to the lines I mentioned above:
[PID:28278:048 2019.09.02 15:39:57.920 DEBUG HttpSendService ] Dropping HTTP send message due to TTL being over. SendGossip To :
[PID:28278:017 2019.09.02 15:39:57.920 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Check Stream Access operation has expired for Stream: order-85d0838d-113e-4c91-9469-790bc23ca36d. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:28 PM
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.920 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.921, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:18.093.
[PID:28278:009 2019.09.02 15:39:57.921 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read All Stream Events Forward operation has expired for C:3854858709/P:0. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:28 PM
[PID:28278:052 2019.09.02 15:39:57.921 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read Stream Events Forward operation has expired for Stream: $ce-order, From Event Number: 1739601, Max Count: 500. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:28 PM
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.921 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.921, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:19.103.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.921 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.922, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:20.104.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.921 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.922, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:20.273.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.922 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.922, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:21.105.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.922 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.923, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:22.106.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.922 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.923, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:23.106.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.923 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.923, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:25.298.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.923 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.924, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:26.298.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.923 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.924, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:27.123.
[PID:28278:051 2019.09.02 15:39:57.923 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Check Stream Access operation has expired for Stream: $projections-$master. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:36 PM
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.923 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.924, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:27.298.
[PID:28278:051 2019.09.02 15:39:57.923 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Check Stream Access operation has expired for Stream: $et-order-created. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:36 PM
[PID:28278:051 2019.09.02 15:39:57.924 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Check Stream Access operation has expired for Stream: $streams. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:37 PM
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.924 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.924, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:28.298.
[PID:28278:044 2019.09.02 15:39:57.924 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read Stream Events Forward operation has expired for Stream: $projections-$master, From Event Number: 818360, Max Count: 10. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:38 PM
[PID:28278:051 2019.09.02 15:39:57.924 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read All Stream Events Forward operation has expired for C:3854858709/P:0. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:38 PM
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.924 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.925, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:29.299.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.924 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.925, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:30.302.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.924 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.925, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:31.312.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.925 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.925, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:32.313.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.925 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.926, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:34.161.
[PID:28278:054 2019.09.02 15:39:57.925 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read Stream Events Forward operation has expired for Stream: $ce-order, From Event Number: 1739601, Max Count: 500. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:43 PM
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.925 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.926, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:35.328.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.925 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.926, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:36.330.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.943 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.943, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:37.184.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.943 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.943, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:37.340.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.943 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.943, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:38.189.
[PID:28278:024 2019.09.02 15:39:57.943 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read All Stream Events Forward operation has expired for C:3854858709/P:0. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:48 PM
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.943 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.944, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:38.341.
[PID:28278:050 2019.09.02 15:39:57.943 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read Stream Events Forward operation has expired for Stream: $projections-$master, From Event Number: 818360, Max Count: 10. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:48 PM
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.943 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.944, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:42.199.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.943 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.944, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:42.368.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.944 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.944, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:43.209.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.944 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.945, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:43.377.
[PID:28278:047 2019.09.02 15:39:57.944 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read Stream Events Forward operation has expired for Stream: $ce-order, From Event Number: 1739601, Max Count: 500. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:53 PM
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.944 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.945, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:44.210.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.944 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.945, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:44.385.
[PID:28278:007 2019.09.02 15:39:57.946 DEBUG PersistentSubscripti] Lost connection from
[PID:28278:055 2019.09.02 15:39:57.950 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read Stream Events Forward operation has expired for Stream: $projections-$master, From Event Number: 818360, Max Count: 10. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:58 PM
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.950 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.950, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:48.227.
[PID:28278:038 2019.09.02 15:39:57.950 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read All Stream Events Forward operation has expired for C:3854858709/P:0. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:58 PM
[PID:28278:041 2019.09.02 15:39:57.951 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read Stream Events Backward operation has expired for Stream: import-cursor, From Event Number: -1, Max Count: 1. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:38:58 PM
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.951 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.951, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:51.251.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.951 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.951, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:52.261.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.951 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.952, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:53.266.
[PID:28278:032 2019.09.02 15:39:57.952 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read Stream Events Forward operation has expired for Stream: $ce-order, From Event Number: 1739601, Max Count: 500. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:39:03 PM
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.952 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.952, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:54.277.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.954 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.954, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:54.426.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.954 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.954, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:56.287.
[PID:28278:013 2019.09.02 15:39:57.954 ERROR GossipServiceBase ] Time difference between us and [] is too great! UTC now: 2019-09-02 15:39:57.954, peer’s time stamp: 2019-09-02 15:38:57.430.
[PID:28278:035 2019.09.02 15:39:57.954 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read Stream Events Forward operation has expired for Stream: $projections-$master, From Event Number: 818360, Max Count: 10. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:39:08 PM
[PID:28278:026 2019.09.02 15:39:57.954 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read All Stream Events Forward operation has expired for C:3854858709/P:0. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:39:08 PM
[PID:28278:047 2019.09.02 15:39:57.956 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read Stream Events Backward operation has expired for Stream: import-cursor, From Event Number: -1, Max Count: 1. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:39:17 PM
[PID:28278:027 2019.09.02 15:39:57.956 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read Stream Events Forward operation has expired for Stream: $projections-$master, From Event Number: 818360, Max Count: 10. Operation Expired at 9/2/2019 3:39:18 PM
[PID:28278:027 2019.09.02 15:39:57.956 DEBUG StorageReaderWorker ] Read Stream Events Forward operation has expired for Stream: $persistentsubscription-$et-order-created::steering-wheel-parked, From Event Number: 0, Max Count: 500. O
peration Expired at 9/2/2019 3:39:20 PM
I’m more concerned about those “Time difference between us [] and [] is too great!” error because I never got those for the last five years I use the database.
“Operation has expired from Stream” messages seem to be a byproduct of the issue we are facing. Something funny though, only read operations are failing (persistent subscriptions included), the database still writes events as those come (very low workload ~30events/sec, < 500KB of payload each).
What made me think something wrong was happening is when going in the persistent subscription page, it will either take about a minute to show the subscription list or failed with a 406/408 HTTP code error.
When logging into one node instance, there is always one core always at 100%. We believe the trigger of this situation happened when we tapped “Replay parked messages” button (~3 hours ago).
It is not a production application (still in beta stage), so this is not a blocking situation for us. The database has very few events, just under 1M (< 500KB of payload)
Cluster of 3 nodes (using gossip seed only).
Each node env:
4 cores CPU and 8GB RAM
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
EventStore (with those 4.1 patches applied)
250 GB hard drive (we have checked those aren’t full)
Thanks for your time.
ps: I can provide logs but can’t share the database.