Setup Event Store Cluster on Linux under AWS - Issues

I am currently trying to setup an Event Store cluster on our AWS environment which consists of 3 Linux instances. The config I have set for this is as follows


What is

netstat -tulpn



This is usually caused by the http prefixes being misconfigured or another instance of Event Store running.

The bit in the log that would help us diagnose the issue would be the starting bit which looks similar to the following.

[01963,01,09:54:09.902] OS: Linux (Unix

[01963,01,09:54:09.903] RUNTIME: 3.2.8 (Debian 3.2.8+dfsg-4ubuntu1.1) (64-bit)

[01963,01,09:54:09.903] {0,-25} {1} ({2} max)

[01963,01,09:54:09.903] LOGS: /var/log/eventstore

[01963,01,09:54:09.908] MODIFIED OPTIONS:

EXT IP: (Command Line)

INT IP: (Command Line)


HELP: False ()

VERSION: False ()

LOG: /var/log/eventstore ()



WHAT IF: False ()

//and then the bit that contains the binding information for httplistener
[01963,21,09:54:10.632] HTTP server is up and listening on []


What you could do is to turn off the adding of prefixes (AddInterfacePrefixes: false) which has special cases for Ext/Int IP addresses of and the loopback address.

If you turn off the adding of interface prefixes, you need to setup the ExtHttpPrefixes as well as the IntHttpPrefixes.

For example

Hi Pieter,

That was very helpful and have managed to get 2 of the machines working in a cluster however on the 3rd machine I get the error below:

[PID:10242:026 2016.12.01 11:32:30.906 INFO HttpAsyncServer ] Starting HTTP server on [http://.2214/]…
[PID:10242:026 2016.12.01 11:32:30.942 FATAL HttpAsyncServer ] Failed to start http server
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Access denied
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Bind (System.Net.EndPoint local_end) [0x00000] in :0
at System.Net.EndPointListener…ctor (System.Net.IPAddress addr, Int32 port, Boolean secure) [0x00000] in :0
at System.Net.EndPointManager.GetEPListener (System.String host, Int32 port, System.Net.HttpListener listener, Boolean secure) [0x00000] in :0
at System.Net.EndPointManager.AddPrefixInternal (System.String p, System.Net.HttpListener listener) [0x00000] in :0
at System.Net.EndPointManager.AddListener (System.Net.HttpListener listener) [0x00000] in :0
[PID:10242:026 2016.12.01 11:32:30.962 ERROR Application ] Exiting with exit code: 1.
Exit reason: HTTP async server failed to start listening at [http://

I have attached my startup log.

Any help would be appreciated.



startuplog (8.12 KB)

Looks like a parameter problem (. instead of :slight_smile: http://*.2214

Otherwise can you put the nodes config?

Thanks Greg,

All up and running now :slight_smile: