I’m trying to setup a Clustered connection using the ConnectionSettings to keep trying to connect to EventStore when the service has gone down.
When I connect to a single instance, the settings are respected the connection keeps retrying for the specified period.
If I then use this same settings object with the clustered connection, it doesn’t respect the settings.
My example code is:
var settings = ConnectionSettings.Create()
// Attempt to connect to single (unreachable) IP
var singleInstanceConnection = EventStoreConnection.Create(settings, CreateIPEndPoint(1));
// Attempt to connect to (unreachable) cluster of IPs
var clusterSettings = ClusterSettings.Create()
// Connection to cluster appears to ignore settings. Reconnects 10 times then stops.
var clusteredInstanceConnection = EventStoreConnection.Create(settings, clusterSettings);
Am I missing something here?
Thanks in advance…