ServerErrorException: Could not unwrap network package for command WriteEvents.


I’m having that exception every time I try to write an event to the server.

Exception has occurred: CLR/System.AggregateException

An exception of type ‘System.AggregateException’ occurred in System.Private.CoreLib.dll but was not handled in user code: ‘One or more errors occurred.’
Inner exceptions found, see $exception in variables window for more details.
Innermost exception EventStore.ClientAPI.Exceptions.ServerErrorException : Unexpected error on server: Could not unwrap network package for command WriteEvents.


I’m running .NET Core client version.

Client version:

Server version:

OS: OSX 10.14

Thanks for your time.

I figured out what happened by looking at the server log this morning. It appears I was sending to the server an empty Guid, hence why I got that error.

Sorry for the noise.