Server says "Error: Package size is out of bounds" when sending message with golang


I am doing first steps with golang and with esdb. I am trying to send messages to esdb

When I am running this code

package main

import (


func esdbClient() *esdb.Client {

    // local server
    //settings, err := esdb.ParseConnectionString("esdb://localhost:2113?tls=false&keepAliveTimeout=10000&keepAliveInterval=10000")

    // after `ssh esd1`
    settings, err := esdb.ParseConnectionString("esdb://localhost:61002?tls=false&keepAliveTimeout=10000&keepAliveInterval=10000")

    // after `ssh esd2`
    //settings, err := esdb.ParseConnectionString("esdb://localhost:61102?tls=false&keepAliveTimeout=10000&keepAliveInterval=10000")

    if err != nil {

    db, err := esdb.NewClient(settings)
    if err != nil {

    return db

func appendOneMessage(db *esdb.Client, msgStream string, msgType string, msgDataJsonBytes []byte, msgMetadataJsonBytes []byte) {

    msgId := uuid.Must(uuid.NewV4())

    eventData := esdb.EventData{
        EventID:     msgId,
        EventType:   msgType,
        ContentType: esdb.JsonContentType,
        Data:        msgDataJsonBytes,
        Metadata:    msgMetadataJsonBytes,

    _, err := db.AppendToStream(context.Background(), msgStream, esdb.AppendToStreamOptions{}, eventData)
    if err != nil {


func main() {

    // Create client
    db := esdbClient()

    // Define message
    msgStream := "hb-publish-logs-01"
    msgType := "logentry"
    msgData := []byte(`"{"klaus": 1}"`)
    msgMetadata := []byte(`"{"heinz": 2}"`)

    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
    for scanner.Scan() {
        lineStr := scanner.Text()

        fmt.Println(">" + lineStr)

        //msgData = []byte(lineStr)
        appendOneMessage(db, msgStream, msgType, msgData, msgMetadata)



    if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {


The server logs the following lines

    "@t": "2022-08-25T12:48:09.7985230+00:00",
    "@mt": "{serviceType} TCP connection accepted: [{securityType}, {remoteEndPoint}, L{localEndPoint}, {connectionId:B}].",
    "@r": [
    "@l": "Information",
    "@i": 526201155,
    "serviceType": "External",
    "securityType": "Normal",
    "remoteEndPoint": "",
    "localEndPoint": "",
    "connectionId": "842a8977-a5bf-4b06-a0c3-98c8c0ebed5d",
    "SourceContext": "EventStore.Core.Services.Transport.Tcp.TcpService",
    "ProcessId": 1,
    "ThreadId": 106

    "@t": "2022-08-25T12:10:24.3922166+00:00",
    "@mt": "FRAMING ERROR! Data:\n {data}",
    "@l": "Error",
    "@i": 2165155294,
    "data": "000000: 50 52 49 20 2A 20 48 54 54 50 2F 32 2E 30 0D 0A  | PRI * HTTP/2.0..\n000016: 0D 0A 53 4D 0D 0A 0D 0A 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00  | ..SM............\n000032: 00                                               | .\n",
    "SourceContext": "EventStore.Transport.Tcp.Framing.LengthPrefixMessageFramer",
    "ProcessId": 1,
    "ThreadId": 21

    "@t": "2022-08-25T12:10:24.3924276+00:00",
    "@mt": "Closing connection '{connectionName}{clientConnectionName}' [{remoteEndPoint}, L{localEndPoint}, {connectionId:B}] due to error. Reason: {e}",
    "@r": [
    "@l": "Error",
    "@i": 2672559363,
    "connectionName": "external-normal",
    "clientConnectionName": "",
    "remoteEndPoint": "",
    "localEndPoint": "",
    "connectionId": "a07334d4-131e-4327-a9d9-6c1b4ced7c45",
    "e": "Invalid TCP frame received. Error: Package size is out of bounds: 541676112 (max: 67108864)..",
    "SourceContext": "EventStore.Core.Services.Transport.Tcp.TcpConnectionManager",
    "ProcessId": 1,
    "ThreadId": 21

According to the log the incoming port is 1113 so it seems not to be the sending-grpc-to-http-port-mistake.

The error on the client side when starting the script is

2022/08/25 14:45:48 [error] unexpected exception: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection closed
2022/08/25 14:45:48 [info] Starting a new discovery process
panic: could not construct append operation. Reason: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection closed

goroutine 1 [running]:
main.appendOneMessage(0x1?, {0x90e7b9, 0x12}, {0x908ddb, 0x8}, {0xc0001a6db0, 0xe, 0xe}, {0xc0001a6dc0, 0xe, ...})
        /mnt/c/Users/HeinerBunjes(beenera/reps/docker-eventstoredb-all/go/publish-logs/main.go:43 +0x266
        /mnt/c/Users/HeinerBunjes(beenera/reps/docker-eventstoredb-all/go/publish-logs/main.go:66 +0x1b7

1113 is the TCP port. gRPC is built over HTTP/2, you should use 2113. See

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Ups, I really got that wrong, thought HTTP is just for the GUI.

Thank you!