I’ve really enjoyed working with ES since making the switch from my own hacked-together event serialization, and I would like to know what the commercial options are. I saw from another post here that there was a commercial page on the website at one point. Now I suppose I could go digging through the GitHub repo for the site to find it, but that really defeats the purpose of marketing.
Also, it would be really great if you could offer some commercial options that appeal to poor startups (such as myself). The one thing I saw in this other post was that commercial support runs at 1.3k pounds/year (?) - which is about 3x what I can afford at the moment. But I really don’t need all that much just yet. I mean, as much as I enjoy running dedicated Linux VMs and managing them myself - I would love to just subscribe to a hosted (multitenant?) offering in Azure. Any chance of that? I did see a hint that you’re going to do something around multitenancy soon-ish…