Ok so I have reproduced this in a single-file test. The problem I am experiencing is when I am reading and writing, sometimes a read is sent and no response for that correlation id is ever received. Also there are no errors in the server log. I can work around the issue by retrying the read, but I’m wondering if that is a good way to handle this.
import { parse, unparse, v4 } from “node-uuid”;
import { EventStore } from “./eventstore”;
import { connect } from “net”;
const connection = connect({ port: 1113, host: “” }, () => {
const read = (from: number) => {
readTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
console.log(“Read timedout retrying…”)
}, 1000);
console.log(Reading from ${from}...
const message = EventStore.ReadStreamEvents.create({
eventStreamId: “$ce-user”,
fromEventNumber: from,
maxCount: 10,
resolveLinkTos: true,
requireMaster: false
const encoded = EventStore.ReadStreamEvents.encode(message).finish() as Buffer;
const auth = Buffer.alloc(15);
auth.writeUInt8(5, 0);
auth.write(“admin”, 1);
auth.writeUInt8(8, 6);
auth.write(“changeit”, 7);
const packet = Buffer.alloc(22 + encoded.length + auth.length);
packet.writeUInt32LE(18 + encoded.length + auth.length, 0);
packet.writeUInt8(0xB2, 4);
packet.writeUInt8(1, 5);
v4(undefined, packet, 6);
auth.copy(packet, 22, 0);
encoded.copy(packet, 37, 0);
if (connection.writable) {
connection.write(packet, () => {
console.log(“Sent Read…”);
const write = (data: any) => {
const message = EventStore.WriteEvents.create({
eventStreamId: user-${v4()}
expectedVersion: -2,
events: [ {
eventId: Buffer.from(v4()),
eventType: “CreateUser”,
dataContentType: 1,
metadataContentType: 1,
data: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ a: “b” })),
metadata: Buffer.from("{}")
requireMaster: false
const encoded = EventStore.WriteEvents.encode(message).finish() as Buffer;
const auth = Buffer.alloc(15);
auth.writeUInt8(5, 0);
auth.write(“admin”, 1);
auth.writeUInt8(8, 6);
auth.write(“changeit”, 7);
const packet = Buffer.alloc(22 + encoded.length + auth.length);
packet.writeUInt32LE(18 + encoded.length + auth.length, 0);
packet.writeUInt8(0x82, 4);
packet.writeUInt8(1, 5);
v4(undefined, packet, 6);
auth.copy(packet, 22, 0);
encoded.copy(packet, 37, 0);
if (connection.writable) {
connection.write(packet, () => {
console.log(“Sent write…”);
let buff: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(0);
let size: number | null = null;
let readTimeout: number;
connection.on(“data”, (buffer) => {
if (size === null) size = buffer.readUInt32LE(0);
buff = Buffer.concat([ buff, buffer ]);
if (buff.byteLength < size) return;
const code = buff.readUInt8(4);
if (code === 0x01) {
buffer.writeUInt8(0x02, 4);
} else if (code === 0xB3) {
if (readTimeout) clearTimeout(readTimeout);
const key = unparse(buff, 6);
const response = EventStore.ReadStreamEventsCompleted.decode(buff.slice(22));
if (!response.isEndOfStream) read(response.nextEventNumber);
buff = Buffer.alloc(0);
size = null;
const int = setInterval(write, 100);
setTimeout(() => clearInterval(int), 10000);