Query about CatchupSubscription $by_category Projection


I have a query about the use of the $by_category projection option for CatchupSubscription. I have aggregates saved to a stream domain-id e.g domain-1234.

When I use: -

connection.SubscribeToAllFrom(Position.Start, CatchUpSubscriptionSettings.Default, EventAppeared, LiveProcessingStarted, SubscriptionDropped);

In EventAppeared I get all the system event types (e.g. “$metadata”) and them my event types, cool. However, my catchup will obviously take time to catch up when there are many categories.

If I use: -

connection.SubscribeToStreamFrom("$ce-domain", StreamPosition.Start, CatchUpSubscriptionSettings.Default, EventAppeared, LiveProcessingStarted, SubscriptionDropped);

In EventAppeared the only event types i get are “$>” and non of mine (nor any."$metadata" types)

Projections are enabled and I’m using version EventStore version 4.0.3.

Any suggestions as to what I’m missing?



Look at the resolved event https://github.com/EventStore/EventStore/blob/release-v4.0.4/src/EventStore.ClientAPI/ResolvedEvent.cs#L20

$> represents a linked event from projections or elsewhere, if you have specified to resolve the link the resolved event should be what you want.

Yep, got it, thanks Greg!