I am trying to configure a cluster with Pulumi + TypeScript.
Following instructions, I install Pulumi with EventStore
npm install @eventstore/pulumi-eventstorecloud
Now the provider instructions mention that only the organizationId and the token are mandatory, and the others are optional. But that’s not true according to the ProviderArgs
so I need to provide values I don’t know where to get them from, like clientId, tokenStore, identityProviderUrl and url.
const eventStoreDbProvider = new eventstore.Provider(
token: args.eventStoreDbToken,
organizationId: args.eventStoreDbOrganizationId,
clientId: "",
tokenStore: "",
identityProviderUrl: "",
url: ""
parent: this
Notice that I am not using the ENV variables, so I suppose I need to explicitly create a provider and then attach that provider to the resources I need to create with those Event Store Cloud Credentials.
I believe there is a bug in the Typescript ProviderArgs where the optional parameters should be optional.
Also, this example is very useful: pulumi-eventstorecloud/examples/nodejs/index.ts at main · EventStore/pulumi-eventstorecloud (github.com)
but it seems to use env variables, not explicit provider.
parent: this, provider: awsOrEventStoreProvider // here