Projections seem to be working but details missing from Admin Tool.


I am working on a proof of concept, so I have the following code.

            var projection = @"



                            $init: function(){

                                return {

                                    count: 0



                            $any: function(s,e){

                                if ( (item) {

    	                            return item.City === ""Frankfort"";


                                s.count += 1;




            var user = new EventStore.ClientAPI.SystemData.UserCredentials("admin", "changeit");

            var dns = new DnsEndPoint("eventstore.default.svc.cluster.local", 2113);

                            var projectionManager = new ProjectionsManager(new ConsoleLogger(), dns, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

                            await projectionManager.CreateContinuousAsync($"Contacts-Frankfort-{Guid.NewGuid()}", projection, user);


This is running against a three cluster system on Kubernetes. In the admin tool, I can see that the projection is created and has run.

2019-06-16 08_28_51-Clipboard.png

However, when I click on the click from the dashboard to see the details, I get this

2019-06-16 08_34_21-Event Store - Projection Details.png

Any ideas on why this is happening?

