Projection saved with errors


I use the version 3.0.0rc2.
I made a projection in continuous mode with c# .net. But there is an error, it miss double quotes in the “if” statement.
Even with the error, my projection is saved, when I launch the server for the first time, the projection is starting, and i can do nothing except disable it.
I can have the access to the editor, but i can’t modify any chars.

How can I remove or update it, please ?

Hi Catherine,

You can delete it in one of three ways:

  - using the web UI
  - using the Delete method on the ProjectionsManager class in the C# client API (
  - making an HTTP request using the DELETE method to <event store base URI>/projection/</projection name>.

You can also update the source if you made an error initially, see the Update method on the Client API, or by issuing a PUT to <event store base URI>/projection/{0}/query?type=JS (or via the UI, you’ll need to navigate to the projection and then click the Edit button).



Thanks to reply.

I tried using the web UI, and update the projection with the Edit button but i can’t update, or write in the projection to correct the error.

I tried with the Delete and Update methods on the ProjectionsManager class in c# client API, and this doesn’t work.

And I don’t know how to make an HTTP request.


Catherine Santos

Can you paste the code you’re using with the API, there’s no reason this shouldn’t work.

That’s the code for updating the projection. I make a loop to be sure it is trying several times. The projection has the status “stopping”.

ProjectionsManager pm = new ProjectionsManager(new ConsoleLogger(), new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(“”), 2113));

bool update = true;
int i = 0;
string query = @"fromStream(‘Reservations’)
$init: function () {
return { body: ‘’, }; // initial state

                            ReservationEvent: function(s, e) {
                                var month = 0;
                                if(e.body.NewReservation !== null)
                                    month = e.body.NewReservation.StartDate.split('-')[1];
                                    if(month == 6 && e.body.NewReservation.IdFirm =='1dd70dbe-1913-4c8f-9435-01f41ed156a7')
                                        s.body += e.bodyRaw;
                                    month = e.body.OldReservation.StartDate.split('-')[1];
                                    if(month == 6 && e.body.OldReservation.IdFirm =='1dd70dbe-1913-4c8f-9435-01f41ed156a7')
                                        s.body += e.bodyRaw;
                                return s;
                pm.UpdateQuery(name, query, user);
                update = true;
            catch (Exception)
                update = false;
        } while (!update);


And that the code for deleting.

bool deleted = true;

       int i = 0;

                pm.Delete(name, user);
                deleted = true;
            catch (Exception)
                deleted = false;
        } while (!deleted);



Someone knows how can i fix this problem please ?
