Hi there,
I am using the .NET GRPC client, version 21.2.0.
Everything works fine when we talk about local env, or none-cluster Eventsore server. When we went live and configured the Eventstore cluster(k8s), issues happened with the subscribing to stream. The details below:
Fail subscribe to $ce-MyGroup
Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode=“Unknown”, Detail=“Envelope callback expected either PersistentSubscriptionConfirmation or NotHandled, received NotHandled instead”)
at EventStore.Client.Interceptors.TypedExceptionInterceptor.AsyncStreamReader1.MoveNext(CancellationToken cancellationToken) at EventStore.Client.PersistentSubscription.Confirm(ChannelBase channel, CallInvoker callInvoker, EventStoreClientSettings settings, UserCredentials userCredentials, Options options, ILogger log, Func
5 eventAppeared, Action3 subscriptionDropped, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at EventStore.Client.EventStorePersistentSubscriptionsClient.SubscribeToStreamAsync(String streamName, String groupName, Func
5 eventAppeared, Action`3 subscriptionDropped, UserCredentials userCredentials, Int32 bufferSize, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
The main issue here is that issue happens from time to time and is impossible to catch locally. Thoughts?
Connection string that we use: