Persistent Sub closing my connection and stops proccesing the messages

Don’t know how to fix this one and where to find it. My friend did the setup up and i need to fix it.

What do logs say (both on client enable verbose logging and on server)

This is the only logging that i found :l. I saw that the dispose function the connection closes #sorryForBadEnglish

eventStoreLog.txt (31.9 KB)

On your connection settings there is etc (use file/use debug)


From looking at the server logs it looks like the clients are disconnected.

[21348,05,12:59:10.748] New connection to persistent subscription FileProcessor.
[21348,26,12:59:20.263] External TCP connection accepted: [Normal, [](, L127.0.0.1:1113, {8d07f292-bbff-4082-afa1-0908f77b1c98}].
[21348,26,12:59:20.263] Connection 'external-normal' ({8d07f292-bbff-4082-afa1-0908f77b1c98}) identified by client. Client connection name: 'ES-eec89d4d-fc43-40be-bad9-13c828d56c73', Client version: V2.
[21348,24,12:59:20.380] ES TcpConnection closed [12:59:20.363: N127.0.0.1:54526, L127.0.0.1:1113, {8d07f292-bbff-4082-afa1-0908f77b1c98}]:Received bytes: 526, Sent bytes: 62
[21348,24,12:59:20.380] ES TcpConnection closed [12:59:20.380: N127.0.0.1:54526, L127.0.0.1:1113, {8d07f292-bbff-4082-afa1-0908f77b1c98}]:Send calls: 2, callbacks: 2
[21348,24,12:59:20.380] ES TcpConnection closed [12:59:20.380: N127.0.0.1:54526, L127.0.0.1:1113, {8d07f292-bbff-4082-afa1-0908f77b1c98}]:Receive calls: 3, callbacks: 3
[21348,24,12:59:20.380] ES TcpConnection closed [12:59:20.380: N127.0.0.1:54526, L127.0.0.1:1113, {8d07f292-bbff-4082-afa1-0908f77b1c98}]:Close reason: [Success] Socket closed
[21348,24,12:59:20.380] Connection 'external-normal:ES-eec89d4d-fc43-40be-bad9-13c828d56c73' [[](, {8d07f292-bbff-4082-afa1-0908f77b1c98}] closed: Success.

This is the next error, can the problem be that the connection is not static ?

Its saying another process has the file open maybe you have another instance running?

And you probably want to either use the DebugLoggger (writes to visual studio debug window) or the FileLogger which writes to a file.

i got some file loggin

EventStoreLogger.txt (60 KB)

Also a function my friend made