Hello, we’re using EventStore’s routing capabilities as an event bus in our C# project and looking for a little guidance.
We’re using NServiceBus as our command bus, so we wanted to follow a very similar approach for our event bus so there was some semblance of consistency.
I looked at what Szymon did in his NServiceBus approach and made something somewhat similar.
What I’m doing:
When we publish events from an aggregate, they are all categorized as"Events-".
I set up a category projection for “Events-” which reorients the events by event type(s).
One event can represent more than one event type since we are emulating NSB’s topic per implemented/inherited interface.
So I’m creating a topic per message interface and putting that in the metadata in a Topics array.
In the Events category projection, I’m then projecting events into one or more EventSink projections using linkTo. So the projection looks like:
.when({$any : function(s,e) {
if(e.metadata.topics){ for (var i = 0; i < e.metadata.topics.length; i++){linkTo(‘EventSink-’ + e.metadata.topics[i], e);}}
Pretty straightforward. In this case I’m using “linkTo” since I’m basically reorienting the events into different views.
From the subscriber perspective, a subscriber can listen to one or more event types. In this case I’m basically setting up a virtual Queue for my subscriber to listen to with all of the events that they care about.
So when a subscriber comes online, it sets up a projection specific to the events it cares about. For example:
fromStreams(‘EventSink-SomethingStarted’, ‘EventSink-SomethingDidSomethingElse’).when({$any : function(s,e) { copyTo(‘Queue-For_Specific_Listener_That_Wants_These’, e); }});
In this case it seems appropriate to use “copyTo” since I’m creating a queue stream for a specific subscriber that I want to have autonomy from the originally emitted event. Perhaps at some point the original aggregate events are purged/archived/whatever…
FYI, our load will be very low for some time: <10k events per hour I believe.
- Does this approach with using linkTo/copyTo make sense?
- Is there a different pattern that is recommended for something like this?
- Would copy vs link have any impact on event ordering in the resultant stream?
- Would you have any reservations about the “Events” category projection above since it examines topics in each message to determine the correct linkto projection?
- Would it be more performant to create a separate static “.when” per message type when building out the query?