My playing about so far, with flow-of-thought-type questions

Hi ho,

I am playing with the event store by pushing the live events from Github into the store as they happen and trying to report on stuff as they happen, I have a few questions - some of which I have answered for myself by searching through the mailing list and a few which are still open

I am going to try and create a static web page (if possible, tell me if it is not) that looks something like

So for the first one, I have a projection that looks like

fromAll().whenAny(function(s, e) {
        if(e.body && e.body.repo) {
          var date = new Date(e.body.created_at)
          var dateString = date.getUTCFullYear() + '' + date.getUTCMonth() + '' + date.getUTCDate()
          linkTo('day-' + dateString, e)


do you have system projections running?


I do

And the stream per day does contain the right data, for example

oops, hit return too quickly


Gives me a nice list of events

And a typical event linked by this has the right data, for example


I’m thinking that I’ve just written the projection code wrong - I’m going off whatever I’ve found in the mailing list so it’s out of date and not fully understood :slight_smile:

Check that $ce-day stream is not empty. It should be populated by the system projection.

The fromCategory(‘day’) actually reads the $ce-day stream.

day-20121112 #0 []( 2012-12-12T16:22:01.134309Z EventStore Entry #0

(That was found in$ce-day )


$ce_day has links to the daily streams, rather than the events themselves

Am I misunderstanding the use of the category method?


I think I know what the problem is. When you do foreachStream over a category stream (which holds event links), it does foreachStream over the the original streams where the events are stored.

I’ll address this in new builds.


You think it’s not something I’m doing wrong but rather a behaviour of the ES itself that needs changing?

Can I clarify how this is supposed to work then, it is my understanding from the above discussion that

  • Using linkTo with something-X will create a stream called something-X for each X that exists

  • That stream will contain a link to the original event for every event that is passed in with linkTo

  • Because I named the stream something-X, the built in streams will create a stream called $ce-something

  • That $ce-something contains a link to each of the streams that was created above (/stream/something-x/)

When doing fromCategory and foreachStream what I am saying is

  • “In this category, for each stream linked to by that category, run the following projection”

In this case, that would mean running the projection above over the stream


at least that’s the desired behaviour, but for some reason this isn’t the case and soon it will be and my projection will work?


you are right. Disregard my previous e-mail. My fix will not help you in this case.

‘linkTo’ does not write “link to link”, but writes link to the original event.

Let me check how this can be addressed.


Further to the above, if I go and do

  .whenAny(function(s, e) {
      if(e.body && e.body.repo) {
        var date = new Date(e.body.created_at)
        var hour = date.getUTCHours()
        if(typeof s[hour] === 'undefined')
           s[hour] = 0

Er, pasted that badly, I meant

  .whenAny(function(s, e) {
      if(e.body && e.body.repo) {
        var date = new Date(e.body.created_at)
        var hour = date.getUTCHours()
        if(typeof s[hour] === 'undefined')
           s[hour] = 0

I think foreachMatching(f(stream metadata)) could be very powerful

It would make this kind of little trick much easier

foreachMatching(function(meta) {

return‘day-’) === 0


And could do other pretty neat things :slight_smile:

In the meantime, is there any way I can get the per-day chart-data that I’m looking for based on the above?