Hi all,
I have searched high and low and can’t get any information of migrating an EventstoreDB from version 5.x to version 20.x. We have started using 20.x on same environments, but I am not sure if the migration is as simple as just moving the DATA folder to the new ESDB?
If so do we just move it over and start the DB or is there a guide that I could follow.
I know we can read all events and rewrite them to the new DB, but would want to avoid that to ensure timestamp stay consistent as a lot of reporting actually works off the timestamp of the specific events happening.
Your input would be greatly appreciated.
I have done a V5 to v20 about 6 months ago.
You can just attach the V5 data to a v20 instance and we had no big issues. By this i mean only a 5 hour down time while it checked all the chunks twice plus another 30 min of unlogged stuff. You are able to stimulate the migration though VMs too.
I will have to find the backup and restore process link. Same idea though.
Hi Theunis
here you can find some information : https://www.eventstore.com/blog/20.10.0-release-notes
If you have a support contract , don’t hesitate to open a support ticket.
to ensure timestamp stay consistent as a lot of reporting actually works off the timestamp of the specific events
You’re relying on the timestamp provided by the store itself at append time ?
I would strongly advice to have any date & time needed for downstream processing to be part of the event data itself, so that the application can control it.