If I do the following:
- Run EventStore.ClusterNode.exe --mem-db
- Write some events to a stream using the .NET API to testStream
- Ctrl-C the event store process to kill it
- Restart event store
- Go to the web UI and visit http://localhost:2113/web/index.html#/streams/testStream/0
- I see my event is still there
- Though if I go to http://localhost:2113/web/index.html#/streams/testStream then it says my stream doesn’t exist
It looks like the stream is soft deleted, but if I restarted event store and everything is in-memory only, shouldn’t it have disappeared altogether?
Related to this, it seems like if I add some data to a non in-memory version of event store, then start the in-memory version, I can still see the data from the persistent version?
Finally, is the default path for database chk files listed anywhere? I couldn’t find it on the backing-stuff-up page in the docs, and when starting up Event Store without any arguments it just describes the path as “DEFAULT”.