On the following page is says " EventStoreDB has a macOS package you can download and install."
It links to the downloads page which doesn’t seem to have a macOS package. Has macOS support been abandoned?
That looks like the above is for version 5. Is the version of EventStoreDB that followed version 5 called version 20? Why such a big version number jump?
We have published the change in our versioning strategy a while ago: https://www.eventstore.com/blog/new-version-strategy
Concerning the macOS packages, there are several concerns:
- We experienced issues with .NET 3.1 runtime for macOS in some areas, which prevented the product to work properly
- We had to maintain the Homebrew cask, although the number of downloads for it was marginal
- We don’t see macOS as a production hosting platform candidate. Customers host our product on Linux and Windows only
- The majority of developers avoid installing components like databases and brokers on their machines, as it is hard or impossible to run multiple versions. Also, installing a lot of different always-on infrastructure components create unnecessary load for dev machines. So, we see that people heavily use ESDB in Docker, we now have 10+ million pulls for our containers on Docker Hub.
Thanks Alexey.
Hopefully ESDB will soon be free of the .NET runtime. I saw mention of that possibility with a reimplementation (in C, Go, or Rust?)
Is there a tutorial on using ESDB with Docker on macOS?
The reason that macos isn’t supported is purely down to it’s lack of support for ALPN which is required for client connections to the cluster. That is why we recommend running in docker for macos users.
Not sure if you need a tutorial, it’s like running anything else in a Docker container. Anyway, it’s right there in the docs https://developers.eventstore.com/server/v21.2/docs/installation/docker.html
Thanks. I’ve never used Docker. No other software tool I’ve ever used has required Docker.
EventStoreDB doesn’t require Docker. However, macOS is not a server platform, the only need to run ESDB on macOS is to support a local dev environment, which is easily done with Docker. However, you can also choose to spin up a small Linux VM using a free tool like VirtualBox and run it there.