Linked event/stream from $category-XXX projection doesn't work?


I have a couple of hundred streams in a category name ‘qbox’.If I understand correctly the $category-qbox stream should give one event for every stream in the qbox category.

How can I get to the linked event from the $category-qbox stream? If I open an entry from the $category-qbox stream I only see some metadata.

Also when I open the event from C# I can’t get to the linked event.

var e1 = es.ReadEventAsync("$category-qbox", StreamPosition.Start, true).Result;

Console.Out.WriteLine(“e1 IsResolved: {0}”, e1.Event.Value.IsResolved);

Console.Out.WriteLine(“e1 stream: {0}”, e1.Event.Value.Event.EventStreamId);

results in:

e1 IsResolved: False

e1 stream: $category-qbox


If I try the same from the $streams stream it works as I expect.

var e2 = es.ReadEventAsync("$streams", StreamPosition.Start, true).Result;

Console.Out.WriteLine(“e2 IsResolved: {0}”, e2.Event.Value.IsResolved);

Console.Out.WriteLine(“e2 stream: {0}”, e2.Event.Value.Event.EventStreamId);

results in:

e2 IsResolved: True

e2 stream: qbox-


Is there something wrong with the entries in the $category-qbox stream, or is my expectation that it should work the same as the $streams stream at fault? probably the latter. But even then, I don’t really understand what information the $category-qbox stream offers. From the event count I can deduce that there are 266 streams in the qbox category. But besides that, I don’t see where I can get more information out of it.


Arno den Uijl