So this has been something we’ve had problems with in the past almost constantly and we’ve had a workaround but I’m back to trying to fix the actual problem.
Randomly, the client will disconnect from the server. I have a log event on
, but that’s not being hit. -
I can see in the info logs that the connection was closed cleanly and that it’s attempting to reconnect but the reconnection has failed as it has been refused
I [00:04:53 INF] Received bytes: 232929, Sent bytes: 219783
I [00:04:53 INF] Send calls: 9755, callbacks: 9755
I [00:04:53 INF] Receive calls: 9751, callbacks: 9751
I [00:04:53 INF] Close reason: [Success] Socket closed
I [00:04:53 DBG] TcpPackageConnection: connection [xx.xx.xx.52:1113, L10.44.3.4:45499, {9e16ea9e-35b9-495d-b748-632e4a6920f5}] was closed cleanly.
I [00:04:54 DBG] TcpPackageConnection: connection to [xx.xx.xx.52:1113, Lnull, {7a32e884-8b5b-4e59-92b7-8301275edc94}] failed. Error: ConnectionRefused.
… 9 more messages like this and then gives up
The close reason makes it sound like the close was deliberate instead of in response to something like a timeout – is this indicative of something or is this just a log that needs to be improved?
The application is still running on top of this, so the next request to ES gets a “cannot access disposed object” error and remains broken until the next restart.
I’m not sure why the re-connection gets refused, but what I do know is that if completely restart this application, it connects again no problem. So our workaround has been to handled the
event by doing an Environment.FailFast and letting kubernetes restart it. When it starts back up, ES instantly connects.
I’m probably talking out of my ass here, but this is what feels to be happening that exhibits this behavior: -
The client or server hasn’t heard from the other in a while so it sends out a heartbeat request.
That heartbeat doesn’t make it back before the timeout because one of a dozen reasons (the server is running slow, network latency in the cloud, etc.), and the client (in this case) closes the connection and then tries to reconnect.
Despite the “disconnected cleanly” status, the server hasn’t yet released the connection object with that id – the client tries to reconnect with the same id and the server rejects it.
The client keeps trying this and gives up after 10 tries
The application restarts and tries to open another connection to the ES server, but now it has a new tcp connection id so it connects right away and is good until the next incident.
Could there be any merit to this? It’s hard to test this because it happens so randomly.
I just increased the heartbeat interval to 5000 and heartbeat timeout to 5000 as well and all is running fine at the moment. I’m usually asked to provide logs for this (this is about the 3rd time around this block) but the back and forth on logs hasn’t been very productive, so I’ll still share logs but maybe I could also be educated on what I’m looking for?
- What are something that might cause this behavior?
- What am I looking for in the logs that could confirm these likely suspects? Please be clear on which logs I’m looking at in each step, client or server.
Event Store server version (running on a dedicated Azure D2_V2 VM, 3 nodes)
Event Store client version (in a service pod which is running in GKE)