Hi there,
We are running EventstoreDB on linux and are shipping the logs using Elastic Filebeat.
The ingestion pipeline in Elastic is setup to accept logs as specified in the documentation:
These have a EventProperties and Message properties that ar used in the pipeline.
However, the logs look like this:
{"@t":"2024-05-15T09:58:16.5258250+00:00","@mt":"Verifying hash for TFChunk '{chunk}'...","@l":"Debug","@i":2466452794,"chunk":"/datadisk/eventstore/db/chunk-001150.000000","SourceContext":"EventStore.Core.TransactionLog.Chunks.TFChunk.TFChunk","ProcessId":1172,"ThreadId":6}
The documentation says “This format is aligned with Serilog Compact JSON format”, just below a format that is clearly not serilog compact json. This seem to be the format used in the logs.
- Why does the documentation show a format that is not used in the logs?
- Is there a setting to change the format? (I only found plain/json)
- Does anyone have an example of server and elastic settings to make this work?