We’re having an issue with one of our projections where the status set to “Faulted (Enabled)” and it stopped emiting to the stream. The error we’re getting is:
Multiple projections emitting to the same stream detected. Stream: ‘$projections-omrecord_recordings_all_projection-omrecord_recordings-1fae1100-2114-4173-bb2f-d592b601e49d-checkpoint’. Last event projection: ‘22’. Emitting projection: ‘24’
In this case, the projections is continuous and is set with emit enabled:
RecordingDiscoveredEvent : function(s,e){
linkTo(“omrecord_recordings_all”, e);
We tried deleting that input checkpoint stream since it’s related old data from a year ago but that just brings up a new checkpoint stream with an equivalent error.
If we create a new continuous projection emit enabled with the same input but that writes to a new stream, it works perfectly:
RecordingDiscoveredEvent : function(s,e){
linkTo(“omrecord_recordings_test”, e);
We’re able to reproduce a similar error message by deleting that new projection and then recreating it. The difference here is that the issue comes from an input checkpoint stream and as opposed to the output stream.
The version of Eventstore is We tried upgrading to 4.1.0 and restarting Event Store but it didn’t solve the issue. I’ve included a screenshot of the configuration for that projections
We didn’t change anything related those streams or that projections in at least 6 months and it just gave an error all of a sudden.
Any ideas what’s going on? Is there a way to recover without having to create an new output stream?