Install EventStore Service


The EventStore documentation ( suggests the following to install EventStore as a service on Windows…

EventStore.WindowsManager.exe install -InstanceName es-cluster1 -ManagerConfig C:\EventStore-Config\manager.yaml

EventStore.WindowsManager.exe does not exist in the latest (v4.0) zip package.

Any suggestions on how best to install it without the documented exe?

Thanks in advance, as always…

Jag Padda

This is for the commercial (HA) version only.

As a suggestion, you could use NSSM. Here is the instruction we use,

nssm install EventStore “C:\Tools\EventStore\EventStore.ClusterNode.exe” --db ./db --log “C:\Tools\EventStore\logs” --cluster-size=3 --run-projections=all --start-standard-projections=true --config “configuration.yaml”