Incompatible change on soft delete v5 to v20 with "ES-ExpectedVersion"?

I just switched from version 5.x to 20.x and found a deviation when trying to delete a non-existing stream.

With version 5.x the following deletes execute without an error:
ES-HardDelete: false
ES-ExpectedVersion: -2 // ANY
ES-HardDelete: false
ES-ExpectedVersion: -1 // NO_OR_EMPTY_STREAM

With version 20.x I get an “unexpected version” error (http response 400).

The same case executed with a hard delete runs still fine (no error):
ES-HardDelete: true
ES-ExpectedVersion: -2 // ANY
ES-HardDelete: true
ES-ExpectedVersion: -1 // NO_OR_EMPTY_STREAM

I guess the soft delete on a non-existing stream should still be executed the same way as in 5.x