How to query what streams Event Store contains?
F.e. I would like to find all streams for specific aggregate type.
I would like to reset to 0 or delete all streams in event store during test setup
How to query what streams Event Store contains?
F.e. I would like to find all streams for specific aggregate type.
I would like to reset to 0 or delete all streams in event store during test setup
"I would like to reset to 0 or delete all streams in event store
during test setup"
Why not just run --mem-db?
I am new to Event Store. I am using an embedded in memory server (MiniNode),. Found code for it online not sure if it is part of existing release.
I harness server during test setup and persist events generated from command processor into corresponding streams.
at tear down of the test or suit of tests I would like to reset store to clean state.
How can I use -mem-db for that?
MiniNode is not the same as embedded.
If you want you can simply use the EventStore.Client.Embedded nuget package.
Please note that if your test runner runs your tests in parallel (e.g. xunit), you will need to do this:
Thank you, João Bragança
I did switch to using embedded
ClusterVNode node = EmbeddedVNodeBuilder.AsSingleNode()