Getting the original stream from events projected by $stream_by_category


I’ve found some posts regarding the $stream_by_category projection but I haven’t been able to answer my question with these.

I have a bunch of streams in a category name connection. Now I want to get all the streams in that category. If I understand correct the $stream_by_category projection should create a stream named $category-connection that links all the first events in all the __connection-* __streams.

If I look in the $category-connection stream i see entries, but I have no idea how to get to the original source stream.

If I use the .Net client I both OriginalStreamId and Event.EventStreamId are “$category-connection” and I see no reference to the original **connectoin-xxxx **stream. Even if i set resolveLinkTos to true (I use ReadStreamEventsForwardAsync).

If i do a request on the HTTP api I see the following entries:$category-connection

"entries": [
        "title": "393221@$category-connection",
        "id": "",
        "updated": "2018-05-22T08:04:59.738933Z",
        "author": {
            "name": "EventStore"
        "summary": "$@",
        "links": [
                "uri": "",
                "relation": "edit"
                "uri": "",
                "relation": "alternate"


How do I find a reference to the connection-xxxxx stream this?

kind regards,


The payload of the link event is $>1234@streamname if you look. I believe this is also surfaced in the API but don’t remember off the top of my head where (I will look through the api in a bit).

If I request a single event with embed=body I get the following. Hould it be in here?:

“eventId”: “42f7d4f8-f49f-4e8b-a901-af5a405f92ae”,
“eventType”: “$@”,
“eventNumber”: 9237,
“metaData”: “{”$v":“4:-1:1:3”,"$c":858258872,"$p":858258872,"$causedBy":“0c480f70-acca-4af2-bd41-bdf4c3c5a7b2”}",
“streamId”: “$category-connection”,
“isJson”: false,
“isMetaData”: true,
“isLinkMetaData”: false,
“positionEventNumber”: 9237,
“positionStreamId”: “$category-connection”,
“title”: “9237@$category-connection”,
“id”: “”,
“updated”: “2018-05-22T12:12:34.823235Z”,
“author”: {
“name”: “EventStore”
“summary”: “$@”,
“links”: [
“uri”: “”,
“relation”: “edit”
“uri”: “”,
“relation”: “alternate”


Thanks for the hint Greg. It indeed is in the payload (data).

I was able to get it out with:


It's so simple once you know it. I was so used to events and links to events that I never realised there is something like a 'StreamReference' and that it is a bit different than a normal link event. I was just trying to get it out with 'e.OriginalStreamId' or 'e.Event.EventStreamId' and with resolveLinkTos to false and true.

Why isn't it 'just' a link event like in the '$ce-xxxx' streams? I think what would make it simpler. (i have just a basic understanding of how the eventstore works, so this might be weird thing to suggest.)