fromCategory/foreachStream how to get the streamId reliably


So I have done the following




MyEvent: function(state,event)


linkTo(event.someProperty,event); //links to a HelloWorld-<> stream




what I was hoping to do is





MyEvent: function(state, event) {

// use event.streamId and expect it to be HelloWorld- not My-123



Is there a way of getting the current (and always correct) streamId from a projection using fromCategory and foreachStream?

In this case yes I can read from the event again, but that might not always be the case (i assume).


"Is there a way of getting the current (and always correct) streamId
from a projection using fromCategory and foreachStream?"

Well in this case My-123 is correct (its where the original event is)

That said I think we can add/check that both streams are there for linkto events