Exception in post new projection (Linux)

EventStore failed by adding a new projection like

fromAll().whenAny(function(state,event) {

return state;


mono-sgen EventStore.SingleNode.exe -c 0 --ip A.B.C.D -h 2113 -t 1113 --prefixes


Native stacktrace:

mono-sgen() [0x493f4a]

mono-sgen() [0x4e829f]

mono-sgen() [0x41bc37]

/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0xfcb0) [0x7f65bd91ecb0]

/mnt/es1/libjs1.so(_ZN3js113PreludeScript11load_moduleEPt+0x14) [0x7f65a0bf8f78]

/mnt/es1/libjs1.so(_ZN3js113PreludeScript20load_module_callbackERKN2v89ArgumentsE+0x20b) [0x7f65a0bf936f]

/usr/lib/libv8.so(+0x8ffc7) [0x7f65a06e6fc7]


Debug info from gdb:

Will look in the morning.

Can you tell me more about your setup? I am running the same
projection here in linux without a problem.

Are you 32bit/64bit?

Is it possible that there could be a different v8/js1 .so in your



it’s a 64bit linux ec2 instance

Linux 3.2.0-25-virtual #40-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 23 22:20:17 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I had not changed anything on the setup so far.


Can you give me access offline?

The libv8.so is not loaded from the ES directory, so it is possible that there is incompatible version. Does it crash the same way if libv8.so from the git repo is loaded? Do you have LD_LIBARY_PATH set?


yeah, thanks that helps. Great!

git pull

new build

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/es1


fromAll().whenAny(function(state,event) {
 if (event.streamId.indexOf('Tickets') == 0 && event.eventType == 'Bought')
   if(state.NewAmount == null) state.NewAmount = event.body.Amount;
     state.NewAmount -= 1;
 return state;

Cheers, Mike

thanks Greg, export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=… is enough for me. Small update in blog post would be great!

Cheers, Mike