EventStore setup on AWS

I run technology for a startup and really want to use an event store for tracking and querying all events that occur across my systems. Looking into EventStore and I’m really excited about it!

I use AWS ECS for other services and would like to set up an EventStore cluster as well, but i’m unsure of the best practice here for the infrastructure. I am subject to HIPAA and may end up storing PHI, so I need to ensure network security and data encryption.

I am looking over the other tips and tutorials in this group, e.g. with Kubernetes, but can anyone give me a list of things i’ll want to focus on? I’m trying to think through:

Thanks! Looking forward to trying this thing.


I run technology for a startup and really want to use an event store for tracking and querying all events that occur across my systems. Looking into EventStore and I’m really excited about it!

I use AWS ECS for other services and would like to set up an EventStore cluster as well, but i’m unsure of the best practice here for the infrastructure. I am subject to HIPAA and may end up storing PHI, so I need to ensure network security and data encryption.

I am looking over the other tips and tutorials in this group, e.g. with Kubernetes, but can anyone give me a list of things i’ll want to focus on? I’m trying to think through:

  • Availability

This is pretty well handled

  • Backups and restoration

There are scripts for this

  • Encryption at rest and in transit

https/tcp + ssl is available. At rest there are encrypted file systems or you can store encrypted data, I have been wanting to build this out to the client so you can just plug in encryption tool… its not hard to compose though

  • Internal vs external networking (inter-node traffic on a private subnet? secure access to the admin web interface?)

This is already available

Also i know it’s been asked many times, but how are we doing on fully managed or one-click setup offerings? Would something like containership’s new offering take care of my above I concerns?

I would need to research more