Hi everyone,
I’m facing a weird situation, my persistent subscriptions hangs or slow down sometimes (from ~300 e/s to ~5 e/s)
My configuration hosted on GCP is:
CPU: [email protected]
Disk: 1TB HDD
My database has been 3 times scavenged during last month, it is composed of ~100GB of chunks (~35M events, ~10M streams), index size is 5.2GB
I have also several projections enabled:
ByDate (from any, stateless): which links 1/15 event to new stream per minute (e.g. Date-20180917-1304)
BySession (from $ce-Message, stateless): which links 1/300 event to a new stream
ByPeer (from $ce-Message, stateless): which links 2/3 event to existing streams (~6M)
Tracking (from $ce-Message, stateless): which emit 1/15 event to a new stream
Stats (from: $ce-Message, $ce-Session, $ce-Queue, statefull): which emit 1 event every minute
I tried to run database on local SSD, I joined cleaned logs and a screenshot from this plateform showing some errors
Any idea to solve my problem ?
eventstore-logs.txt (48.3 KB)