I’ve disabled & deleted a projection using the ProjectionsManager class (respectively its Disable() and Delete() methods). I’ve modified the code and then tried to create a new projection using CreateContinuous(). Unfortunately this fails now:
EventStore.ClientAPI.Exceptions.ProjectionCommandFailedException: Server returned 408 (Server was unable to handle request in time) for POST on
If I look at the projections in the web interface I can see the new transaction, however, it hangs in “Writing/Initial” state forever.
What went wrong?
Failed with newest production-ready build as well as the RC2 of v3.
Best regards,
Have you tried updating the query? I ran into similar problems when deleting things…
something like this:
var currentProjections = projectionsManager.ListContinuous(credentials);
if (currentProjections.Contains(projectionName))
projectionsManager.UpdateQuery(projectionName, projectionQuery, credentials);
projectionsManager.CreateContinuous(projectionName, projectionQuery, credentials);
I’ve the following - even more robust - code:
if (!IsProjectionInstalled (projectionsManager))
projectionsManager.CreateContinuous (c_myProjectionName, c_myProjectionQuery, s_userCredentials);
Console.WriteLine (“Successfully enabled the projection.”);
Console.WriteLine (“The projection is already installed.”);
and IsProjectionInstalled is currently implemented as:
var projections = projectionsManager.ListContinuous (s_userCredentials);
return projections.Contains (c_myProjectionName);
So that should not be the problem…