eventstore broadcaster to event handlers

Hi all,

I hope you do not mind having a look at the code below. It broadcasts a bunch of events to handlers that potentially have long running times. Would this be a scalable way of achieving this? Any suggestions to improve the code would be very much appreciated. Thanks!

public class EventStoreBroadcaster


private IEventStoreConnection _connection;

private readonly Position? _latestPosition;

private readonly Dictionary<Type, Action> _eventHandlerMapping;

public EventStoreBroadcaster()


_latestPosition = Position.Start;

_eventHandlerMapping = CreateEventHandlerMapping();


private static Dictionary<Type, Action> CreateEventHandlerMapping()


return new Dictionary<Type, Action>


{typeof (FakeEvent1), o => FakeEvent1Listener.Handle(o as FakeEvent1)},

{typeof (FakeEvent2), o => FakeEvent2Listener.Handle(o as FakeEvent2)}



public void Start()




private void ConnectToEventstore()


_connection = EventStoreConnectionWrapper.Connect();

_connection.Connected +=

(sender, args) => _connection.SubscribeToAllFrom(_latestPosition, false, EventOccured, LiveProcessingStarted, HandleSubscriptionDropped);


private void EventOccured(EventStoreCatchUpSubscription eventStoreCatchUpSubscription,

ResolvedEvent resolvedEvent)


if (resolvedEvent.OriginalEvent.EventType.StartsWith("$") ||



var eventToHandle = EventSerialization.DeserializeEvent(resolvedEvent.OriginalEvent);

if (eventToHandle == null) return;

var eventType = eventToHandle.GetType();

if (_eventHandlerMapping.ContainsKey(eventType))





private void HandleSubscriptionDropped(EventStoreCatchUpSubscription subscription, SubscriptionDropReason dropReason, Exception ex)


if (dropReason == SubscriptionDropReason.ProcessingQueueOverflow)


//TODO: Wait and reconnect probably with back off


if (dropReason == SubscriptionDropReason.UserInitiated)


if (SubscriptionDropMayBeRecoverable(dropReason))





private static bool SubscriptionDropMayBeRecoverable(SubscriptionDropReason dropReason)


return dropReason == SubscriptionDropReason.Unknown || dropReason == SubscriptionDropReason.SubscribingError ||

dropReason == SubscriptionDropReason.ServerError || dropReason == SubscriptionDropReason.ConnectionClosed;


private static void LiveProcessingStarted(EventStoreCatchUpSubscription eventStoreCatchUpSubscription)




public class BaseFakeEvent


// some data


public class FakeEvent1 : BaseFakeEvent


// some more data


public class FakeEvent2 : BaseFakeEvent


// some more data


public class FakeEvent1Listener


public async static void Handle(FakeEvent1 eventToHandle)


// simulate some long running stuff

await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));



public class FakeEvent2Listener


public async static void Handle(FakeEvent2 eventToHandle)


// simulate some long running stuff

await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));



Would persistent subscriptions be better for this so you could have multiple nodes as well?

Thanks. I am only aware of Live-only and Catch-up subscriptions. Can you please provide some more details? Thus far, I think catch-up subscriptions are the way forward in my scenario.


Persistent subscriptions are on dev. They implement a competing consumer model (server controlled subscription state). They are generally better for when you want to do a task based on an event and support having say n consumers on 5 servers working on the same subscription. Here are overview docs waiting acceptance on docs.

Thanks. I will try to digest this (-:

However, if I should want to use Catch-up subscriptions, is the code provided ok?



You probably dont want to use catch up subscriptions for doing tasks
(as discussed in the linked document). The reason why is you can only
have a single subscriber (what if it goes down?)

I intent to put this into a windows service … or is this not ok? It can automatically restart (will use persist _latestPosition to start at the the correct position).


Persistent subscriptions lets you have say 2 windows services (one
goes down and no problem)

I assume your long running tasks are idempotent?

I will ensure that they are (-: Thanks.