$streams projection?
Yes. Thank you.
Its worth noting that the $streams projection will not just give you the list of streams but also a notification of any new streams created.
How do you use this projection ?
I have 9 streams when opening$streams
I get :
"coreProcessingTime": 19,
"version": 8,
"epoch": 8,
"effectiveName": "$streams",
"writesInProgress": 0,
"readsInProgress": 0,
"partitionsCached": 1,
"status": "Running",
"stateReason": "",
"name": "$streams",
"mode": "Continuous",
"position": "C:179469685/P:179469685",
"progress": 100.0,
"lastCheckpoint": "C:0/P:-1",
"eventsProcessedAfterRestart": 2572,
"statusUrl": "$streams",
"stateUrl": "$streams/state",
"resultUrl": "$streams/result",
"queryUrl": "$streams/query%3Fconfig=yes",
"enableCommandUrl": "$streams/command/enable",
"disableCommandUrl": "$streams/command/disable",
"checkpointStatus": "",
"bufferedEvents": 0,
"writePendingEventsBeforeCheckpoint": 0,
"writePendingEventsAfterCheckpoint": 0
How to get my list ? Could you point me to the documentation page ?
Try reading the stream $streams, this is the information on the projection itself.