Event Store 4.0.0 Release Candidate 1

Good morning everyone,
Earlier this week we announced the Release Candidate 1 for Event Store 4.0.0.

Herewith follows the blog post detailing the release and what is inside of it.

Where can I get the release candidate 1 packages?

The RC 1 packages can be installed using the following instructions.

Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 (via packagecloud)

curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/EventStore/EventStore-OSS-PreRelease/script.deb.sh | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install eventstore-oss=4.0.0-rc1


Windows (via Chocolatey)

choco install eventstore-oss -version 4.0.0-rc1 -pre


How can you provide feedback?

If you do encounter any issues, please don’t hesitate to open issues for them on github or post them in this group.

Thank you!

Hi Pieter,

Are 64-bit event numberS available in RC1?

Thanks, Tim.

Hi Tim,
Yes sir.