Hey guys.
To get straight to the chase. Would people be able to give me some ideas for good queries to run which demonstrate the power of event sourcing.
I have a Referral domain ( if you want to call it that ) in which referrers refer friends to jobs or departments which are then reviewed by recruiters.
So some of the Events are basically
ReferralSubmitted - ( aka the making of the referral )
ReferralAccepted - the referree accepted the referral
ReferralDecisionMade - Recruiter made decision ( basically yes this is good or bad candidate, allows recruiters to invite that person to apply for specific job. )
Using the following I transform it into per referrer streams ( which I could probably do for recruiters as well )
ReferralSubmitted: function(state, event) {
linkTo(event.body.referrer.referrerId;, event);
ReferralAccepted: function(state, event) {
linkTo(event.body.referrer.referrerId;, event);
ReferralDecisionMade: function(state, event) {
linkTo(event.body.referrerInfo.referrerId, event);
And now I would like to be able to query that.
Some of the thoughts I have had are
Referrals contain 2 sets of text, one sent to the recruiter and the other to the referree. Create streams based on words within those text to try find common wording etc.
Does a positive referral decision mean that a referrer will refer again within 24 hours? 48 hours? etc?
Any other ideas or suggestions would be really appreciated. Sadly this is a really poor area of my skill set. Coming up with questions/problems to solve.
We are implemented gamification of our referral program which I threw together view easily using the following projections. One issue I did seem to encounter was that I couldn’t emit an event into the same stream as I was projecting. Is that actually possible?
Also does event.streamId refer to the origin stream or the linked stream for linked events?
$init: function() {
return {
referralCount: 0,
ReferralSubmitted: function(state, event) {
// make a new stream as emitting to event.streamId didn't seem to work.
var streamId = event.streamId.replace(“Referrer”, “ReferrerBadges”);
if (state.referralCount === 1) {
emit(streamId, “BadgeAwarded”, { name: “Lively Bee”, points: 10 } );
if (state.referralCount === 5) {
emit(streamId, “BadgeAwarded”, { name: “Active Bee”, points: 25 } );
if (state.referralCount === 15) {
emit(streamId, “BadgeAwarded”, { name: “Busy Bee”, points: 50 } );
if (state.referralCount === 50) {
emit(streamId, “BadgeAwarded”, { name: “Super Bee”, points: 100 } );
return state;
$init: function() {
return {
totalPoints: 0,
badges: []
BadgeAwarded: function(state, event) {
state.totalPoints = state.totalPoints + event.body.points;
return state;