Evenstore 5 HTTP API Documentation not available

Hi. We are currently working on migration of Evenstore 5 to EventStore 20. While doing this i wanted to replace a HTTP-API Call which is not available at EventStore 20 but i when i try to access the HTTP API Documentation at https://developers.eventstore.com/server/generated/v5/http-api/ which is a hyperlink in the EventStore Documentation https://developers.eventstore.com/server/v5/docs/introduction/clients.html#tcp-protocol only a 404 error message is shown.

Found the documentation at https://developers.eventstore.com/server/v5/docs/http-api/api/#get-subscription-stream-information please fix the hyperlink at https://developers.eventstore.com/server/v5/docs/introduction/clients.html#tcp-protocol

@Andi Iā€™m sorry for the confusion. Thank you for sending us the feedback. I fixed the link, should be good now :ok_hand:t2:

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