I’ve been trying to get my head around event sourcing and cqrs for a while now. A queue that holds events paired with some sort of noSQL database comes up fairly often in discussions and search results. But after installing Event Store and playing around with it a little bit, I’ve started to wonder if the noSQL database is needed at all. If you do event sourcing, why use a different engine a long side it? Can’t ES projections act as the read models people tend to use noSQL databases for?
Right now, ES projections are great for aggregations and simple KVP.
They do not yet support searching, querying or sorting (should be addressed by the upcoming lucene stuff).
Unbounded projection sizes, like “all orders by customer id” really need to be put somewhere else.
For smaller systems this will later be supported with lucene but beyond a few million rows you are probably better off with something designed to do it.
Ok, thanks for the clarification.
kl. 14:03:09 UTC+2 onsdag 27. august 2014 skrev Oddvar Strømmen følgende: