I migrated my event store server (at least one of them) from linux to windows and am now in the process of converting deployment scripts etc.
Part of that is a script that creates necessary projections, but somehow these are not created correctly. Unfortunately, as mentioned in https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/event-store/A2YebPk-4ZA , as the projections are currently not visible via the WebUI and I don’t have a full grasp on the complete API, I am having a hard time finding the reason why it doesnt work.
To create the projection, I am using this command:
curl -X POST --user {0} --data “{1}” -v {2}projections/continuous?name=per-context&type=JS&emit=1
A GET request on projections/any shows this output:
“coreProcessingTime”: 15,
“version”: 0,
“epoch”: -1,
“effectiveName”: “per-context”,
“writesInProgress”: 0,
“readsInProgress”: 0,
“partitionsCached”: 1,
“status”: “Faulted (Enabled)”,
“stateReason”: “‘emit’ is not allowed by the projection/configuration/mode”,
“name”: “per-context”,
“mode”: “Continuous”,
“position”: “C:0/P:-1”,
“progress”: 100.0,
“lastCheckpoint”: “C:0/P:-1”,
“eventsProcessedAfterRestart”: 0,
“statusUrl”: “http://myIP:2113/projection/per-context”,
“stateUrl”: “http://myIP:2113/projection/per-context/state”,
“resultUrl”: “http://myIP:2113/projection/per-context/result”,
“queryUrl”: “http://myIP:2113/projection/per-context/query%3Fconfig=yes”,
“enableCommandUrl”: “http://myIP:2113/projection/per-context/command/enable”,
“disableCommandUrl”: “http://myIP:2113/projection/per-context/command/disable”,
“checkpointStatus”: “”,
“bufferedEvents”: 0,
“writePendingEventsBeforeCheckpoint”: 0,
“writePendingEventsAfterCheckpoint”: 0
For some reason, emit is disallowed, even though it’s obviously enabled in the creation request url. The url scheme I used was from https://github.com/EventStore/EventStore/blob/2b0e58f3b336e7d44d983dbadfadd427158c1ba3/src/EventStore.ClientAPI/Projections/ProjectionsClient.cs line 45, so should be correct.
I’m pretty sure this is something very trivial (and easier to find would the WebUI work ), but somehow it isn’t coming to me.