Embedded client AccessDeniedException subscription to all

I am using the EventStore.Client.Embedded Version=20.6.0 and it’s all good for appending events to stream and reading, but when I try to subscribe it complains about access denied Unhandled exception. EventStore.ClientAPI.Exceptions.AccessDeniedException: Subscription to '<all>' failed due to access denied.
and I’m not sure why because I am using it in-memory.

This is my code, it uses the IEventStoreConnection to subscribe to all streams and then it ignores all the events that don’t belong in an expected stream

public class EventStoreSubscriber
    : IEventStoreSubscriber
    private readonly IEventStoreConnection _eventStoreConnection;
    private readonly SerializationService _serializationService;

    public EventStoreSubscriber(
        IEventStoreConnection eventStoreConnection,
        SerializationService serializationService)
        _eventStoreConnection = eventStoreConnection;
        _serializationService = serializationService;

    public Task Subscribe(string streamNamePrefix, Func<object, CancellationToken, Task> handler, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        return _eventStoreConnection.SubscribeToAllAsync(
            async (streamSubscription, resolvedEvent) =>
                var streamName = resolvedEvent.OriginalStreamId;
                if (streamName.StartsWith(streamNamePrefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    var recognizedEvent = _serializationService.GetAsEvent(resolvedEvent);
                    await handler(recognizedEvent, cancellationToken);

This approach works well with the “real” event store. What should I do to have the embedded ES also work with this approach?

This is how I use it

var nodeBuilder =

var node = nodeBuilder.Build();
await node.StartAsync(true);
using var embeddedConnection = EmbeddedEventStoreConnection.Create(node);
var supportedTypes = new SupportedTypes();
var serializationService = new SerializationService(supportedTypes);
var eventStoreSubscriber = new EventStoreSubscriber(embeddedConnection, serializationService);

await eventStoreSubscriber.Subscribe(
    streamNamePrefix, async (retrievedEvent, cancellationToken) =>
        await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Subscriber {subscriberId} received: {retrievedEvent}");

@Joao_Braganca do have any ideas?

Did you change the default ACLs or turn off security? If not you still need to pass in a user that can read from $all.

Didn’t know about those things, thanks. I managed to add a user

var nodeBuilder =

var node = nodeBuilder.Build();
        await node.StartAsync(true);

var connectionSettings =
                .SetDefaultUserCredentials(new UserCredentials("admin", "changeit"))
using var embeddedConnection = EmbeddedEventStoreConnection.Create(node,connectionSettings);

I don’t get the AccessDeniedException anymore, but the subscribers don’t pick any event like this.

await embeddedConnection.SubscribeToAllAsync(false,
            async (streamSubscription, resolvedEvent) =>
                await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync(resolvedEvent.ToString()));

Any idea what could be the reason or how could I troubleshoot?
If I read events from the stream I can find them there, so there’s definitely a stream with events.

Thanks again!

As you are using IEventStoreConnection, SubscribeToAll is live and will only pick up new events. What you want is SubscribeToAllFrom, where you can pass in a last known position (or null) to start from the beginning.