dnx core support


when I add Eventstore.Client to a new project done in vs2015 targeting the dnx core the EventStore classes can’t be used. Is this “as designed” ? Am I doing something wrong or is there currently no support für dnx core ? And if not are there plans to get it?

We have no support for dmx core as of this point, is it released?

Well they released yesterday VS2015. On the slides the wrote that also dnx core is now rtm. altough in the project.json of the project the assembly names still include “beta”

so not 100% sure but i think they are defined as RTM

Nope, not same releaseschedule. Asp.net 5, .Net Core, EF7, etc in still in beta. (was expecting release yesterday as well)


PS the blog post is also not very clear :wink:

http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2015/07/20/announcing-net-framework-4-6.aspx (at the end is a .net core section)

https://github.com/aspnet/dnx/releases ?

its due out officially Q1 next year

If someone wants to figure out what is necessary, add support and send a pull request we’d be happy to accept it for the .NET Client API, however we’re unlikely to treat this as a priority internally - I don’t think any of us have any desire to chase around the Microsoft pre-release moving targets at this point.